Bem, a faculdade tá legal, depois de um pequeno período negro de greve... voltou tudo essa semana, graças aos deuses. Ia ser absurdo ter greve e eu com meu curso atrasado desse jeito... quero me formar o mais rápido possível e arranjar emprego, preciso urgentemente de dinheiro. :P Meu HD tá lotadaço com anime e filme, tow com 4Gb livre em cada HD, preciso de cd's... help. XD
Agora tem a semana da Pátria, USP inteira de férias essa semana (isso porq acabou de voltar da greve.... oh well...), vou aproveitar e fazer as listas de exercícios q os profs de Algebra Linear e Cálculo II deram, estudar sempre é bom e faz vc passar no semestre... -_- Enqto isso vou resgatando minha saúde psicológica depois de todas essas coisas q aconteceram... a médica me receitou anti-depressivo e calmante p eu dormir (é, eu não tava dormindo faz um mês :P) pra ver se as coisas voltam ao normal... E eu pensava q ia demorar mais um pouco pra eu perder as estribeiras.. :PP
Aaanyway, tá tudo bem, não penso em me matar nem nada... tow depressiva, mas nem parece, ó. :P Meu humor continua o msm, só tow tomando remédio p dormir e controlar minha ansiedade. :P De resto vai tudo bem, faculdade, família, amigos, namorado... tow fazendo milagre e espero continuar nisso. :P See ya ppl. ^_^;
Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
Love begins as friendship and has little drama. |
| where love goes to die. |
Morgana Le Fay:
The famous, and infamous, faery queen who is better known as the sorceress accompanying Merlin. She had magical powers above all and was a skilled necromancer and changeling. She was beautiful, ingenious in her art, and incredibly powerful.
The Faery Oracle brought to you by Quizilla
Hollywood has painted the majority of extra-terrestrials as merciless war-mongers waiting to anhialate the unsuspecting planet Earth for their own means, but to your kind, it is humanity that is bloodthirsty and cruel. From light years away did your soul originate, taking on human form here on Earth in the mission to teach the uncivilised human race enlightenment and pacifism. Unlike incarnated angels, you apply yourself love-wise only where needed, conserving your great capacity for justice and support for more important things. Many come to you for advice and help, even people you have little more than aquaintance with. You hold importance in the incidental things you do and say, and leave a lasting impression on people with your sense of honor and respect. Take comfort in knowing that no matter how hard life here on Earth may be, there's always someone looking out for you, and waiting with great anticipation for your return.
Which Earth Angel Are You? brought to you by Quizilla