Nada de anormal na minha vida, só q estou acabando as aulas práticas da auto-escola, tow mais segura pra dirigir... e se me permitirem o 'auto-confete', estou dirigindo bem, obrigada. :P Pareço ter uma habilidade nata em fazer balisa. :P Anyway, de resto anda tudo na mesma paz de sempre. Semana q vem as aulas começam, altas aulas durante o dia todo, quem estiver me vendo de lá de cima q me proteja. :P Devo voltar na semana q vem com alguma dessas minhas porcarias, só preciso de estímulo mental pra isso. :P A volta às aulas deve dar conta do recado, ou senão vejo novamente a série 'Ringu' pra ver se dá algum clique tenebroso no meu cerébro q anda mei conturbado pela paz q anda fazendo. Só eu mesmo né? Paranoid mode ON. :D
Antes de ir embora, só comentar esse comment do Shishio, "p.s: Vou achar bem estranho inclusive quando você começar a aguentar muita gente o.o'". Pelos deuses, não vou me surpreender quando notícias do meu mau humor cheio de estilo, sarcasmo e charme chegarem do outro lado do mundo. :PPPP Será tão perceptível essa minha maneira de ser? :P Oh well, amem-me ou deixem-me, se não fosse por essas pessoas mei polêmicas e chatas q nem eu, o q seria do mundo? :P
PS: Caramba, minha auto-estima esses dias deve ter chegado a níveis pouco vistos anteriormente. Níveis altos, eu digo. :P
Agora, aos testes... q eu sei é a única razão das pessoas visitarem esse blog de tempos em tempos. :P
What character from Queen of the Damned are you?
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Piskie. You see the world through the eyes of a child. Everything is bright and new and interesting. So what if sometimes you forget to give things back, you did leave something else intersting for them to play with while you examined what you borrowed. You are sometimes a bit too inquisitive for your own good, but that's okay, it's all fun and games. Speaking of fun and games, you love to play with children, and never grow tired of hearing them tell you stories, or seeing the latest doodle they have drawn. It warms your heart to know that creativity still lives in tomarrow's generation.
What Type of Changeling Are You? (Now Including Pictures for Each Kith)
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Not big on trust, eh?
What is Your Shakespearian Tragic Flaw?
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You are Lady Macbeth: Ambitious, very strong-willed, and ever merciless to those who oppose you. You are some sort of mental dominatrix, you govern men's minds as if they were puppets.
Which Shakespearean Heroine Are You?
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You're just the happy go-lucky type. You might have your pet peeves, but other than that, you're mainly calm. Blending in with your surroundings, you're the type of person who everyone likes. Usually it's you who cracks jokes at social gatherings - after all, laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you pretend to be stupid, but in all actuality, you could be the next Einstein.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
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You're a Creepy Bookworm!
You know where the guy that just looked at you from across the room sleeps. You know what my favorite color is. You know where your enemies keep their prized posessions. You know everything. How you know, we don't know. You creep me out.
What kind of Crazy are you?
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