terça-feira, setembro 10, 2002

Usual day, usual life... pegando RahXephon 08 e 09 e Excel Saga 09... nada além. :P Meu pai viaja amanhã p Argentina, vamos ficar sozinhas aqui em casa dois dias... bagunça à vista :P Só espero q ele me traga alfajor, preciso comer chocolate... :P

Well, amanhã tem RPG, mais um dia de altas filosofias... adoro isso :P Hj vou apenas postar vários testes, boredom total e nada p fazer, vendo o prog do João Kleber e ouvindo a OST de RahXephon... sou multimidia msm :P See ya ppl ^_^

I'm a Pansy. The bloom of thought. Thoughts are my haven. I prefer solitude and quiet places so I can ponder uninterrupted.
What bloom are you? by Polly_Snodgrass

How Much of a Loner Are You?

Take the quiz at [clinically insane]

Which High School Label Do You Fit?

Friendless, bullied and tortured, you've really got nothing going for you, apparently.

Take the test at [clinically insane]

logic Smartie!
How Are You Smart?

Find Your Warped Personality

What revolution are You?

What is your Alter-Ego Personality?

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