Mas tow feliz demais da conta, sei que tenho e devo estar... afinal tow fazendo milagre. :P Consegui finalmente convencer meu pai a pagar dois terços do meu PSOne, sendo que devo ligar amanhã pro cara pra acertar essas coisas de cheque, cartão e etc. Além disso, essa semana eu vou (com certeza dessa vez :P) ir na auto-escola e acertar tudinhu pra tirar minha carteira de motorista. Cuidado, pedestres e motoristas... eu estou chegando. :P
A única parte q sux é q amanhã preciso ir na USP APENAS p mandar fazer meu histórico, vou tentar arranjar vaga no Estado pra dar aula de profª substutiva. Que os deuses e os anjos me protejam, ser professor hj em dia é lasca. :P Mas fazer o q, com esse horário 'maravilhoso' q vou ter semestre q vem, e querendo trabalhar (e arranjar grana) do jeito q eu tow querendo, temos q fazer alguns sacrifícios. :P De resto tá tudo bem, o Celso começou a trabalhar hj, chegou são e salvo aqui em casa de noite. ^^; Só chegou cansado demais e faminto. :P Daqui a pouco tow indo acompanhar ele no sono, tem q acordar cedo amanhã e resolver esse negócio.... me desejem sorte pra tudo q eu devo resolver, vou precisar muito. :P See ya. ^_^
Your sign is "The Bird". You think just because you're so cute everybody likes you. Well, think again. Can you name just one person who doesn't secretly wish for a huge carnivore to lumber along on stilts and gulp you down? Maybe if you didn't live such a solitary life and got out to make some friends things would be better.
What's Your Warner Bros. Astrological Sign?
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You are Form 7, Gryphon: The Wyrm.
"And The Gryphon displaced the balance of the world in his favor. With grace and control, Gryphon deceived mankind and ruled over civillization. But even he realized thatall good things must come to an end."
Some examples of the Gryphon Form are Satan (Christian) and Baphomet (Assyrian). The Gryphon is associated with the concept of control, the number 7, and the element of wind. His sign is the gibbous moon. As a member of Form 7, you are a very in control individual. You maintain your coolness in most situations and always seem to be prepared. Though some may say you are a bit of a control freak, you know that you really do make the best leader even if others can't see it. Gryphons are the best friends to have because they have a positive influence on people.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
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Cleopatra!! Cleopatra was seductive...with her words. She was not known for her beauty. She was very intelligent.
Which Female heroine are you? (for girls)
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You're a Vulcan! Cool and collected, you represent the epitome of self control.
What Star Trek Race Are You?
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