Não sei se foi falta de sorte ou má vontade do examinador, mas que eu fiz tudo perfeito e direitinho, eu fiz. Mas agora já era, o q importa é o q o cara escreveu na minha ficha do Detran. Agora tenho q esperar mais 15 dias e pagar a módica quantia de R$100,00 pra fazer a prova novamente. Pelo andar da carruagem as coisas nesse ano não andam tão bem assim... chuta que é macumba. -.-; * Giu precisando desesperadamente de colo... -.-
- George Elliot
Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty, right?
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
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As The Night That Buries All Before It In Darkness, Your Dragon Color Is Black
What Color Dragon Are You?
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Assassin- You come at night, kill without so much as a word, and leave without a trace. No one knows you're there, no one knows your name. Richness calls you, you do their work, you are pleased. You're a bastard and you love every minute.
What Dungeons and Dragons Class are you?
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You're a Romantic Realist. That's quite a paradox, but a good one. You can appreciate love and all things related to romance, but you do it without getting caught up in the commercialized mess. You've got a good head on your shoulders, for the most part.
What Sort of Romantic Are You?
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What Chess Piece Are You?
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