quinta-feira, agosto 08, 2002

Hallo! ^_^ Tow na USP agora, aguarando minha aula de Cálculo II... mas por enquanto tow passando um tempinho vago na net com o povo aqui ^_^

Ontem (ou hoje, sei lá... foi de madrugada :P) aconteceram umas coisas, mas eu conto quando chegar em casa de noite. Eu postei mais pra colocar esse postzinho msm... Achei legal o resultado, tudo sempre aponta pra Witchblade, Joana D'Arc, Cleopatra... EU QUERO MINHA WITCHBLADE >.<

*Giu se recompõe e coloca o testinho aqui ^_^'*

You are Kusakabe Marron | Kaito Jeanne
You are generous and talented, though often widthdrawn. You tend to have just a few close friends, rather than many. You appear very cheerful and enthusiastic, but struggle to keep up with what others expect of you. In the end, your perseverance and sacrifices help you pull through.
Marron is the main character from Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne. She is the reincarnation of Jeanne de Arc, sent to seal demons infesting works of art on earth to steal the souls of humans.

Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz

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